
It's query time again

Four sent out today. And one "no" already.

One of the agents I queried this morning was referred to me by another agent which always helps. All four required different submission packages. Along with the query, one wanted the first chapter pasted into the email; another wanted the first three chapters as an attachment; another the first 50 pages, pasted; and the last asked for 50 pages and a synopsis sent as attachments.

Querying is a full time job.

Fine Print agent Janet Reid posted a breakdown of why she rejected 124 full manuscripts since August. Although her briefly stated reasons are interesting, they illustrate yet again why it's so hard to get an agent. This is the one that hit closest to home since many of the rejections I receive carry a similar message. "Just plain not good enough: 21 (a novel needs to be in the 99th percentile-these were closer to 90%--not bad, but not good enough)."

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